Effective Parent-School Communication
The Clark County School District (CCSD) encourages parents to be involved in their child's education and to communicate with the school. Effective communication can build trust and understanding, which can help parents and educators work together to support students. Here are some tips for effective parent-school communication:
- Initiate contact: Parents can contact the school to share information about their child's challenges and accomplishments, and to address concerns. The school can also initiate contact with parents.
- Be regular: Check in with teachers regularly, not just when there's a problem.
- Follow up: Let the school know you will follow up on important issues, and follow up on reported problems.
- Respond promptly: Respond to all communications from the school promptly.
- Be an active partner: Parents can establish positive relationships with school staff and become better education advocates.
- Collaborate: Parents, families, and schools can work together to support learning and healthy development.